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How it works How it works

A+ Tutoring strives to present course material in a very organized and structured format, allowing the student to learn and retain the most amount of information in the least amount of time.

How Does A+ Tutoring Work?

To achieve this, we structure our classes in a 2-hour format, and we teach 5 to 8 sessions for each exam. Most classes taught by a professor test about 7 to 10 topics per exam and we focus on teaching these topics in the first three to four sessions; these sessions are referred to as "LECTURES" or "CHAPTER REVIEWS". Each tutoring session consolidates the student's understanding of the course In each lecture, we begin by teaching students the "big picture" and then lead into a more detailed explanation of each topic by applying the appropriate equations, formulas, terminology, and concepts. We test the students' ability to apply what they have learned in the lecture by giving them old exam questions to practice over each topic. When students leave a 2-hour session, they feel confident that they have learned everything about the topics discussed and that they will be able to apply the knowledge to any question that an exam may present.

To reinforce the lecture topics and ensure that the students are able to apply what they have learned to a variety of questions, we follow our lecture classes with 2 to 4 sessions that we call EXAM REVIEWS. In these sessions, we mix up all of the topics covered on the exam so that each student must first identify the type of problem, and then solve it using the methods that they learned during the lectures. The exam reviews are tailored to the different professors to prepare students for the style of questions that they will see on their actual exam.

Since we focus on building a strong foundation for each topic covered in the lectures, we aim to improve the speed with which students are able to work problems and practice the more difficult questions in the exam reviews. Professors use these more difficult questions to separate the "A students" from the "B students." Usually, the complexity of these questions requires students to apply more that one concept in order to solve the problem. We use the exam reviews to train them how to approach and solve problems of any level of difficulty.

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