A+ Tutoring  •  607 University Drive East, Suite # 105  •  College Station, TX 77840  •  (979) 260.2660  •  www.aplustutoring.ws
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Season Pass vs. Individual Tickets Season Pass vs. Individual Tickets

Our tutoring rate is $6 per hour. We feel that this is a bargain, considering the large amount of information that we teach, the increased cost ($30-$40 per hour) for a private tutoring session, and the amount of stress and study time that we are able to save our students.

In addition to a great hourly rate, we also offer students the option of purchasing a SEASON PASS:

Advantage of Buying a Season Pass

Season passes allow students to attend ALL sessions we offer for a particular course. Purchasing a season pass is equivalent to a 30-50% discount off the $6/hour individual ticket price. In other words, if a student purchased an individual ticket for all of the sessions that they needed to attend in order to do well in their class, they would probably pay 200-400 dollars. Purchasing a season pass would reduce the overall semester cost to 140-170 dollars. This reduces the hourly cost to around $3 per hour, which we're sure breaks some labor laws, but we won't tell if you won't!

Here are some of the reasons why students find it more valuable to purchase a season pass: (actual quotes)

  • "It makes tutoring dirt cheap…"
  • "The class is sold out and the only way to get in is if you have a season pass."
  • "I don't ever have to wait in line to buy a ticket. I just show up 5 minutes before the class starts and just go in."
  • "I can't see very well and since they let the season pass holders in first, I can get a good seat up front every time."
  • "I had to miss last night's session, so I showed them my season pass the next day and they gave me all of the sheets that I missed from that session free of charge."
  • "I'm taking two classes at A+ and I get $30 off my second season pass, so it makes it so much cheaper." -You would receive $50 off your third season pass in the same semester.
  • "I have been going to A+ since I was a freshman and this is my 7th pass, and they gave me $40 off all of my season passes from now on because I've been a loyal customer."
  • "They gave me a free T-shirt when I bought a season pass."
  • "I don't have to worry about loosing my ticket or leaving it at home, and then having to buy another ticket. If I loose my season pass or forget to bring it with me, they will look me up on the computer and let me in."

When we developed the season pass option, we did not consider all of the benefits that the students above have pointed out over the years. Here were the owner's thoughts:

"I strongly feel that if a student attends ALL of the sessions that I have designed for a class that I am teaching, the student will see every point of view and learn every method that has been used to test a certain topic. This way, the student feels very comfortable with the material and will have a much smaller chance of drawing a blank on the test or having anxiety during a test. Unfortunately, some students do not have the financial resources to pay for every single session or may feel that they only need a few sessions. By taking the financial factor out of the equation, the student is able to attend EVERY session and not worry about anything other than focusing on tutoring sessions. It is amazing when I look at the differences in the grades of the students who come to ALL of the sessions versus the students who pick and choose the sessions that they think they should attend. From a business point of view, I make less money when students purchase a season pass, but it is well worth it when I see my students come back for 5 or 6 semesters and making A's and B's in all of their most difficult classes. Nothing is more rewarding than having students come back and thank me because they were just accepted to medical or dental school, or received a job offer from an engineering firm as a result of solid grades throughout their college career."
-Ali, owner and tutor

Please see our Prices page for the cost of season passes for the classes that you are interested in and how much you will save if you decide to purchase a season pass rather than individual tickets.

Keep in mind that season passes are prorated as the semester continues. The price of a season pass will drop after each round of exams. You will get the best deal if you purchase the season pass at the beginning of the semester; however, you will still get a good deal if you find out about A+ Tutoring in the middle of the semester and wish to purchase a season pass.

Website designed by Charles Web Design College Station Web Design Tutoring for Texas A&M Aggies Copyright © 2025 A+ Tutoring in Bryan College Station (Aggieland) — class tutoring and some private tutoring for Texas A&M Aggies and Blinn College students Tutoring for Blinn College Students