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After leaving an A+ Tutoring session, most students feel very confident with their understanding of the material taught; unfortunately, they often translate that into "not having to look over that material." A student may believe may become complacent, which can lead students to make a "C" or lower on the exam.

How to Succeed After A+ Tutoring

Students often fail to realize that although their tutor taught them the material in a way that was easy to learn and understand, that does NOT mean that THEY can recall and apply the material with the same level of ease. Our tutors' extensive experience and training allow them to make the material seem very easy when it is presented to the students. But it is important for students to understand that practice is needed to recall and apply the material with the same ease. We recommend that students review all topics covered lecture sessions, and re-work all problems practiced in each 2-hour session.

Increase retention of the material Increasing retention: review at night, and review in the morning

Morning review of the tutoring material After each A+ Tutoring session, students should review the material covered either that very same night, or the next morning, to avoid forgetting portions of the lecture. We recommend up to 2 hours of review for every 2-hour session a student attended at A+ Tutoring. This allows students to realize right away which topics or problems need more work, and to remember to ask relevant questions at the next session. Studying this way will not only better prepare the students for their exam, but it will help eliminate last-minute panic and stress students often feel the night before an exam.

We also strongly suggest that students begin their studying by ONLY practicing the problems that were worked for them at A+ Tutoring. It is extremely important that students re-work these problems until they can answer them, at least twice, with speed and accuracy. We recommend that students begin to work new problems only after mastering the problems explained during tutoring sessions.

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