A+ Tutoring currently offers biology tutoring in classroom for the classes listed below. Course numbers follow Texas A&M University's course numbering system; where available, the corresponding biology course number for Blinn College is indicated below the class description. (Please see our courses page for current availability of private tutoring for biology classes.)

BIOL 111 Tutoring (“Introductory Biology I”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for BIOL 111: First half of an introductory two-semester survey of contemporary biology that covers the chemical basis of life, structure and biology of the cell, molecular biology and genetics. Course includes laboratory that reinforces and provides supplemental information related to the lecture topics.
TAMU class BIOL 111 corresponds to Blinn College biology course BIOL 1406 (“GENERAL BIOLOGY I”)
BIOL 112 Tutoring (“Introductory Biology II”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for BIOL 112: The second half of an introductory two-semester survey of contemporary biology that covers evolution, history of life, diversity and form and function of organisms. Course includes laboratory that reinforces and provides supplemental information related to the lecture topics.
TAMU class BIOL 112 corresponds to Blinn College biology course BIOL 1407 (“GENERAL BIOLOGY II”)