A+ Tutoring currently offers finance tutoring in classroom for the classes listed below. Course numbers follow Texas A&M University's course numbering system; where available, the corresponding finance course number for Blinn College is indicated below the class description. (Please see our courses page for current availability of private tutoring for finance classes.)

FINC 341 Tutoring (“Business Finance”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for FINC 341: Financial practices and financial management of modern business corporations; cash flow, planning, procurement of funds, management of long-term funds and working capital.
FINC 409 Tutoring (“Survey of Finance Principles”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for FINC 409: Finance survey for non-business majors; financial markets, the investment banking process, interest rates, financial intermediaries and the banking system, financial instruments, time value of money concepts, and security valuation and selection.