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Chemistry Tutoring in Bryan College Station Texas Chemistry Tutoring in Bryan College Station Texas

A+ Tutoring currently offers chemistry tutoring in classroom for the classes listed below. Course numbers follow Texas A&M University's course numbering system; where available, the corresponding chemistry course number for Blinn College is indicated below the class description. (Please see our courses page for current availability of private tutoring for chemistry classes.)

Chemistry classroom tutoring scheduled for this week

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 107 tutoringCHEM 107 Tutoring (“General Chemistry for Engineering Students”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 107: Introduction to important concepts and principles of chemistry; emphasis on areas considered most relevant in an engineering context; practical applications of chemical principles in engineering and technology.

TAMU class CHEM 107 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 1410 (“GENERAL CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 119 tutoringCHEM 119 Tutoring (“Fundamentals of Chemistry I”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 119: Introduction to modern theories of atomic structure and chemical bonding; chemical reactions; stoichiometry; states of matter; solutions; equilibrium; acids and bases; coordination chemistry.

TAMU class CHEM 119 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 1411 (“GENERAL CHEMISTRY I”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 120 tutoringCHEM 120 Tutoring (“Fundamentals of Chemistry II”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 120: Theory and applications of oxidation-reductions systems; thermodynamics and kinetics; complex equilibria and solubility product; nuclear chemistry; descriptive inorganic and organic chemistry.

TAMU class CHEM 120 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 1412 (“GENERAL CHEMISTRY II”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 227 tutoringCHEM 227 Tutoring (“Organic Chemistry I”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 227: Introduction to chemistry of compounds of carbon; general principles and their application to various industrial and biological processes.

TAMU class CHEM 227 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 2423 (“ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 228 tutoringCHEM 228 Tutoring (“Organic Chemistry II”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 228: Continuation of CHEM 227. (Introduction to chemistry of compounds of carbon; general principles and their application to various industrial and biological processes.)

TAMU class CHEM 228 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 2425 (“ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 257 tutoringCHEM 257 Tutoring (“Organic Chemistry I”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 257: Introduction to chemistry of compounds of carbon; general principles and their application to various industrial and biological processes.

TAMU class CHEM 257 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 2423 (“ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I”)

Check this week's schedule for CHEM 258 tutoringCHEM 258 Tutoring (“Organic Chemistry II”)

Official Texas A&M University course description for CHEM 258: Continuation of CHEM 257. (Introduction to chemistry of compounds of carbon; general principles and their application to various industrial and biological processes.)

TAMU class CHEM 258 corresponds to Blinn College chemistry course CHEM 2425 (“ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II”)

Website designed by Charles Web Design College Station Web Design Tutoring for Texas A&M Aggies Copyright © 2025 A+ Tutoring in Bryan College Station (Aggieland) — class tutoring and some private tutoring for Texas A&M Aggies and Blinn College students Tutoring for Blinn College Students