A+ Tutoring currently offers mechanical engineering tutoring in classroom for the classes listed below. Course numbers follow Texas A&M University's course numbering system; where available, the corresponding mechanical engineering course number for Blinn College is indicated below the class description. (Please see our courses page for current availability of private tutoring for mechanical engineering classes.)

MEEN 221 Tutoring (“Statics and Particle Dynamics”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for MEEN 221: Application of the fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics to the statics and dynamics of particles; equilibrium of trusses, frames, beams and other rigid bodies.
MEEN 315 Tutoring (“Principles of Thermodynamics”)
Official Texas A&M University course description for MEEN 315: Theory and application of energy methods in engineering; conservation of mass and energy; energy transfer by heat, work and mass; thermodynamic properties; analysis of open and closed systems; the second law of thermodynamics and entropy; gas, vapor and refrigeration cycles.